"Interventional Procedures" refer to a range of minimally invasive specialty procedures, from simple corticosteroid injections to minor surgical procedures. Your procedure may involve common imaging methods such as Fluoroscopy (real time x-rays), CT, Ultrasound or Nuclear Medicine. You'll be advised of the exact process when you make your booking.
Interventional Procedures can be performed on most parts of the body, including:
Radiologists are specialists; therefore the Interventional Procedures that they perform may vary per location. You can find below the type of specialisation available by type of centre/location.
Only Lumus Imaging centres co-located in a hospital can give Conscious Sedation. If you need it, please discuss this with your referring doctor so they can organise it with our Lumus Imaging team.
Interventional Procedures are image-guided procedures performed by an experienced radiologist.
The radiologist will use an imaging method such as X-ray/fluoroscopy, ultrasound or CT, depending on your procedure. This way, the radiologist is able to perform the procedure under the safest conditions, able to clearly visualise every move, ensuring the least amount of discomfort for you, the patient.
Many procedures are minor and quick to perform. In all cases, our staff will explain the procedure to ensure that you, our patient, are well-informed and comfortable.
Plan ahead and ask your referring doctor or Lumus Imaging team, as some procedures require the patient to be driven home.
It started with Charles Theodore Dotter. His goal was to treat patients without the scalpel, lowering morbidity and mortality. The first patient was Laura Shaw, an 82 year old woman admitted to The University of Oregon Hospital with pain in her left foot. The foot had a non-healing ulcer and gangrenous toes - all doctors had recommended amputation, which Shaw had refused.
She was referred to Dotter who theorised percutaneous dilating catheters. The procedure went well and within minutes, Shaw's foot was warm with restored blood flow. Her pain disappeared within the week and her ulcer quickly healed. Thanks to Dotter, our Interventional Radiologists are now able to perform less invasive procedures, such as angioplasty, to save our patients from intrusive procedures like amputation.
A radiologist interprets images to determine how the body is functioning, looking for issues that other specialists may not be able to see. An interventional radiologist has undertaken further training, giving them the ability to perform minimally invasive procedures, treating the issues found using image-guidance.
Less invasive, with better outcomes. Interventional procedures have less risk, less pain, and shorter recovery time in comparison to surgery in the operating theatre. The concept is to diagnose and treat patients using the least invasive techniques. Using imaging to guide them, the radiologist is able to track his or her every move and carefully perform the entire procedure with direct visualisation. As a team, the radiologist, radiographer and nurse ensure the patient is best cared for with the use of constantly improving diagnostic equipment.