Lumus Imaging Likelihood
of Lung Cancer Calculator

To support the National Lung Cancer Screening Program, Lumus Imaging is conducting an initial risk assessment, the screening program is focused on high-risk people, predominantly smokers, without any symptoms.

Are you at risk of Lung Cancer?

If you are a current or previous smoker, the Lumus Imaging Likelihood of Lung Cancer Calculator will provide an initial risk assessment for Lung Cancer.

Basic information

Clinical history

Smoking history *

BMI calculator


This assessment is not intended to replace the evaluation of a healthcare professional.

This calculator is based on the PLCOm2012 lung cancer risk prediction model, the details of which were published in: Tammemagi MC, Katki HA, Hocking WG, Church TR, Caporaso N, Kvale PA, Chaturvedi AK, Silvestri GA, Riley TL, Commins J, Berg CD. Selection Criteria for Lung-Cancer Screening. New England Journal of Medicine. 2013;368(8):728-36.

Why use the lung cancer screening calculator?

In Australia, lung cancer is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death.

To support the National Lung Cancer Screening Program which commences in July 2025, Lumus Imaging is conducting an initial risk assessment for eligibility into the Medicare funded screening Program.

The Lumus Imaging Likelihood of Lung Cancer Calculator will provide an initial risk assessment for Lung Cancer.